LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - lib/views - profileserversview.dart (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: Lines: 0 67 0.0 %
Date: 2024-09-24 21:50:54 Functions: 0 0 -

          Line data    Source code
       1             : import 'package:cwtch/models/profile.dart';
       2             : import 'package:cwtch/models/profileservers.dart';
       3             : import 'package:cwtch/models/remoteserver.dart';
       4             : import 'package:cwtch/models/servers.dart';
       5             : import 'package:cwtch/widgets/remoteserverrow.dart';
       6             : import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
       7             : import 'package:flutter_gen/gen_l10n/app_localizations.dart';
       8             : import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
       9             : 
      10             : import '../cwtch_icons_icons.dart';
      11             : import '../main.dart';
      12             : import '../settings.dart';
      13             : 
      14             : class ProfileServersView extends StatefulWidget {
      15           0 :   @override
      16           0 :   _ProfileServersView createState() => _ProfileServersView();
      17             : }
      18             : 
      19             : class _ProfileServersView extends State<ProfileServersView> {
      20           0 :   @override
      21             :   void dispose() {
      22           0 :     super.dispose();
      23             :   }
      24             : 
      25           0 :   @override
      26             :   Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      27           0 :     var knownServers = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context)<String>((RemoteServerInfoState remoteServer) {
      28           0 :       return remoteServer.onion + ".onion";
      29           0 :     }).toSet();
      30           0 :     var importServerList = Provider.of<ServerListState>(context).servers.where((server) => !knownServers.contains(server.onion)).map<DropdownMenuItem<String>>((ServerInfoState serverInfo) {
      31           0 :       return DropdownMenuItem<String>(
      32           0 :         value: serverInfo.onion,
      33           0 :         child: Text(
      34           0 :           serverInfo.description.isNotEmpty ? serverInfo.description : serverInfo.onion,
      35             :           overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
      36             :         ),
      37             :       );
      38           0 :     }).toList();
      39             : 
      40           0 :     importServerList.insert(0, DropdownMenuItem<String>(value: "", child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.importLocalServerSelectText)));
      41             : 
      42           0 :     return Scaffold(
      43           0 :         backgroundColor: Provider.of<Settings>(context, listen: false).theme.backgroundMainColor,
      44           0 :         appBar: AppBar(
      45           0 :           title: Text(MediaQuery.of(context).size.width > 600 ? AppLocalizations.of(context)!.manageKnownServersLong : AppLocalizations.of(context)!.manageKnownServersShort),
      46             :         ),
      47           0 :         body: Consumer<ProfileInfoState>(
      48           0 :           builder: (context, profile, child) {
      49           0 :             ProfileServerListState servers = profile.serverList;
      50           0 :             final tiles =
      51           0 :               (RemoteServerInfoState server) {
      52           0 :                 return ChangeNotifierProvider<RemoteServerInfoState>.value(
      53             :                   value: server,
      54           0 :                   builder: (context, child) => RemoteServerRow(),
      55             :                 );
      56             :               },
      57             :             );
      58             : 
      59           0 :             final divided = ListTile.divideTiles(
      60             :               context: context,
      61             :               tiles: tiles,
      62           0 :             ).toList();
      63             : 
      64           0 :             final importCard = Card(
      65           0 :                 child: ListTile(
      66           0 :                     title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.importLocalServerLabel),
      67           0 :                     leading: Icon(CwtchIcons.add_circle_24px, color: Provider.of<Settings>(context).current().mainTextColor),
      68           0 :                     trailing: DropdownButton(
      69           0 :                       onChanged: (String? importServer) {
      70           0 :                         if (importServer!.isNotEmpty) {
      71           0 :                           var server = Provider.of<ServerListState>(context).getServer(importServer)!;
      72           0 :                           showImportConfirm(context, profile.onion, server.onion, server.description, server.serverBundle);
      73             :                         }
      74             :                       },
      75             :                       value: "",
      76             :                       items: importServerList,
      77             :                     )));
      78             : 
      79           0 :             return LayoutBuilder(builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints viewportConstraints) {
      80           0 :               ScrollController controller = ScrollController();
      81           0 :               return Scrollbar(
      82             :                   trackVisibility: true,
      83             :                   controller: controller,
      84           0 :                   child: SingleChildScrollView(
      85             :                       clipBehavior: Clip.antiAlias,
      86             :                       controller: controller,
      87           0 :                       child: Container(
      88           0 :                           margin: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(5, 0, 5, 10),
      89           0 :                           padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(5, 0, 5, 10),
      90           0 :                           child: Column(children: [if (importServerList.length > 1) importCard, Column(children: divided)]))));
      91             :             });
      92             : 
      93             :             return ListView(children: divided);
      94             :           },
      95             :         ));
      96             :   }
      97             : 
      98           0 :   showImportConfirm(BuildContext context, String profileHandle, String serverHandle, String serverDesc, String bundle) {
      99           0 :     var serverLabel = serverDesc.isNotEmpty ? serverDesc : serverHandle;
     100           0 :     serverHandle = serverHandle.substring(0, serverHandle.length - 6); // remove '.onion'
     101             :     // set up the buttons
     102           0 :     Widget cancelButton = ElevatedButton(
     103           0 :       child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.cancel),
     104           0 :       onPressed: () {
     105           0 :         Navigator.of(context).pop(); // dismiss dialog
     106             :       },
     107             :     );
     108           0 :     Widget continueButton = ElevatedButton(
     109           0 :         child: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.importLocalServerButton.replaceAll("%1", serverLabel)),
     110           0 :         onPressed: () {
     111           0 :           Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.ImportBundle(profileHandle, bundle);
     112             :           // Wait 500ms and hope the server is imported and add it's description in the UI and as an attribute
     113           0 :           Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500), () {
     114           0 :             var profile = Provider.of<ProfileInfoState>(context);
     115           0 :             if (profile.serverList.getServer(serverHandle) != null) {
     116           0 :               profile.serverList.getServer(serverHandle)?.updateDescription(serverDesc);
     117             : 
     118           0 :               Provider.of<FlwtchState>(context, listen: false).cwtch.SetConversationAttribute(profile.onion, profile.serverList.getServer(serverHandle)!.identifier, "server.description", serverDesc);
     119             :             }
     120             :           });
     121           0 :           Navigator.of(context).pop();
     122             :         });
     123             : 
     124             :     // set up the AlertDialog
     125           0 :     AlertDialog alert = AlertDialog(
     126           0 :       title: Text(AppLocalizations.of(context)!.importLocalServerButton.replaceAll("%1", serverLabel)),
     127           0 :       actions: [
     128             :         cancelButton,
     129             :         continueButton,
     130             :       ],
     131             :     );
     132             : 
     133             :     // show the dialog
     134           0 :     showDialog(
     135             :       context: context,
     136           0 :       builder: (BuildContext context) {
     137             :         return alert;
     138             :       },
     139             :     );
     140             :   }
     141             : }

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